Dhammachai Day, the Day of the Declaration of Victory: 27th August
O devas of Pha Dam! Be my witness. I, wearer of these saffron robes, the banner of the enlightened Arahants, plant this banner of war here in my heart, the banner of the Supreme Dhamma that is free from cruelty
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.) arranged the Merit Dedicating Ceremony in June 2015
Georgia Meditation Center (G.M.C.), USA, arranged the ceremony of dedicating merit to the dead relatives in June 2015
The 13th International Dhammadayada Ordination Program (IDOP)
The 2015 International Dhammadayada Ordination Program for Novices for young men 12 to 16 years of age will be held July 5-31, 2015. This 27-day training program is taught only in English.
The 14th Meditation Retreat of Peace Revolution, June 2nd-15th, 2015
This meditation retreat was participated by 27 people from 21 countries, e.g. Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Cameroon, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Slovania, Lithuania, Belarus and the United States.
Vesak Day, 2015 in Mongolia
Vesak Day 2015 was organized by Mongolia Meditation Center, the representative of Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Dhammakaya Foundation, in corporation with various organizations in Mongolia. The event was held on June 6th, 2015 at the National Sport Stadium in Mongolia.
Peace Revolution ตอน อยู่กับศูนย์กลางกาย (Be At the Center)
โครงการปฏิบัติธรรมของ Peace Revolution ครั้งนี้ จัดขึ้นเป็นครั้งที่ 14 ระหว่างวันที่ 2–15 มิถุนายน 2558 มีผู้เข้าร่วมโครงการทั้งหมด 27 คน เป็นชาย 5 คน หญิง 22 คน จาก 21 ประเทศ
Earth Day 22nd April 2015 : Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World
Earth Day in its modern form was initiated by the Honorable Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator from Wisconsin, who strived to raise awareness and gather political support for the environmental issues of the day.
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London Arranged the Ceremony of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha in June 2015
Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, UK, Arranged the Ceremonies of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha and Lighting Lanterns to Worship the Buddha in Honor of Vesak Day 2015
Visakha Puja Day (Vesak), 1st June 2015 at Wat Phra Dhammakaya
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Newcastle arranged the Ceremony of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha in May
Wat Phra Dhammakaya Newcastle arranged the Ceremonies of Offering Sustenance to the Buddha and Offering Picked–up Robe Set for building the temple.